A revealing documentary that celebrates the life and work of performing artist, satirist and activist Pieter Dirk Uys

Described as “The white man with the coloured heart” this documentary about the satirical performer, Pieter Dirk Uys, provides a revealing look at the man behind the costumes and wigs. Uys has dedicated his life to challenging the government of the day, and has used the arts as a weapon against prejudice and discrimination.  It is the more intimate moments with Uys that enrich this documentary, giving us insight into the private life of this charismatic man. His philanthropic work educating young people about AIDS has given him world-wide recognition. Archive footage of his performances and interviews with close friends, like Charlize Theron, highlight Uys’ bravery in refusing to be silenced.  As the late Bishop Tutu said “He truly is a legend”




Pieter-Dirk Uys


Willem Oelofsen, Geoffrey Butler

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